CAUTION: If you like bangs you may not want to read this!
Ok, so it is midnight and I can't sleep so I just ate 4 m&ms, which I shouldn't have done, and now I am blogging in hopes to release some steam!! I am so angry right now! I had a doctors appointment today so I took the girls t my Grandma's house ,for 40 minutes, the first time. They had no problems with me leaving so that was good. The problem came when I returned to see that my Grandma had cut Hadley's hair without asking! She now has the most redneck bangs I have ever seen. Now I know you are thinking it can't be that big of deal because it will grow back but it has taken a long time to get to where it was because it is so thick so new hair was always growing and it was finally where I could pull it back without having to use an extra clip. I was going to have my Aunt cut it all one length when it reached her shoulders. Now for the not nice part. I HATE BANGS and always have! I am pretty vocal about it and thought everyone knew how I felt about them.This is like my one thing! Seriously, my like one big thing! Sorry if you like bangs. I don't mean to offend you but we don't all have to agree. Obviously my Grandma did not get the memo! I have had 6 girls in my daycare that had bangs and they are all dang cute but I bet if you asked their moms they would say that I can not fix girls hair with bangs! I don't know what it is I am just bad at it so now my daughter is always going to have crappy looking hair because this mom can't fix hair with bangs nor do I like the way they look! I keep hoping the more I talk about it the better I will feel because that is usually the case with me but I am so angry about this that I don't know if I will ever get over it!I guess at this point all I can say is they better grow back fast and warning to everyone DO NOT CUT MY DAUGHTER'S HAIR(unless I ask you to)
P.S. The punctuation in this blog sucks and I am too MADDD to care!
P.S.S. Sorry if I offended you but I did warn you in the beginning!
P.S.S.S. This Ma Ma bear will get angry if you mess with her children! I am not always nice but most of you probably knew that already lol