Monday, March 7, 2011

An update

Baby Kyndal Mattie at 30 weeks. I am so happy we finally decided on a name so we don't have to keep calling her baby sister. I feel like I am on my way to another 8lb or more baby for sure.Cienna is turning into quite the poser for the camera. I am taking pictures of her pained toes, her braids, and her princesses. She constantly keeps us laughing. Today she told me she just really needs to know how I got pregnant so she can tell her mom how. Funny girl for sure! She knows all her letters and the sounds they make and is turning into a great writer, rhymer, and teacher to Hadley. She is dying to have a baby sister!
Hadley is getting her own funny little personality. The only way she wants to get dressed is if she gets to wear a tu tu. We have 3 and they are in the wash often. She has a Thompson temper when a toy doesn't do what she wants she yells at it. She is repeating all the bad things of course. Her favorite word to repeat is CRAP. I just can't seem to stop saying it, my bad. We play ring around the rosy fifty times a day until I am so dizzy. She climbs and can reach most things that kids her age never can so most days my house is a disaster. For the last couple of months she has weighed 29lbs. For the first time in a long while Cienna weighs more than her at 31lbs. She is getting two year molars and they are turning out to be the worst by far! Oh ,and for my records, she was weaned the week of Christmas!(it went really well , but was bitter sweet for me) The precious time with Hadley is just flying by too quickly but I can't get enough of her sweet hugs and kisses!


  1. 30 weeks! Holy crap. That went fast. Ahh, I mean for me anyways. I'm sure for you it's a different story. I can't believe how grown up sweet Hadley is looking.

  2. Wow! Lots going on at your house. You look so cute! :) Don't feel bad...Crap is one of my favorite words too! haha. So excited for you.
