Wednesday, April 21, 2010

On the 14th Hadley turned 10 months old

I can't believe how fast the time is going! I say this every time but holy cow it is going faster and faster! We are just trying to take in every moment because we all of the sudden feel like she is acting so old. We just LOVE this baby to PIECES!

Hadley at 10 months: 3T clothes, weighs 35 pounds, size 4 shoe, 36 inches tall, 27 inches around her tummy, 14 inches around her thighs. Has 4 teeth
Likes: patty cake, train song on Barney, pillows and blankets, balls(she says," throw" because we say," throw it") , getting mister and Cienna, princess case and dolls, newspaper, anything loud except the blow dryer, lawnmower toy, ring around the rosy, clapping all the time, sorbet, carrots and celery out of chicken noodle soup, jello, dried fruit, suckers, reading books(she turns all the pages for mom)sleeping on Daddy, she understands no and does NOT like to be told no.

She is so close to walking. She walks around all the furniture and gets up and down by herself. Everyday she stands a little longer without holding on. She really has no fear this one. She even stands up in the bath tub so I have a hand on her at all times in the bath.