Monday, December 13, 2010

We are definitely having a........


We went to Boise for our ultrasound on Saturday. There is no question about it that we are having another GIRL! We are so excited! Everything measured and looked great! Her heart rate was 136 this time. I am so happy that Hadley will have a sis and since they are so close in age they will get to do lots together. I am sure if I had to be good with a boy I could but everyone knows I am way better with girls. They are just easier for me because I am not very tom boyish lol. I had two boys the entire time I did daycare compared to the like, 20 plus girls so I have had more practice with girls. On the really upside Hadley grew so fast I felt like I didn't get that much use out of all her stuff and now I get to use it again!

I might sound crazy, but I think she is going to look a lot like Hadley with maybe a little bigger nose but definitely bigger lips like mine. Hadley has Matt's mouth.

I will work on getting a belly picture and the ultrasound pictures on here but don't have them today.I just wanted to tell everyone our news. Vickie said it was a girl and again she was right!!