Friday, February 26, 2010

A Nutrition Lightbulb

When I saw Vickie on Monday I learned something I can't believe no one ever told me. I was explaining to her that Hadley hates her baby food all of the sudden and spits everything out. She told me that she was way healthy and not to worry about it that in her own time she will start liking real foods. She explained to me that when babies get there 2 bottom teeth then they have the enzyme in their stomach to digest fruits, when they get the 2 top teeth then they can digest vegetables, when they get their molars then the enzyme to digest grains has developed, and finally when their I teeth come in they can digest meat. As she was explaining this a major light bulb went off in my head and well, it makes perfect sense to me. I have taken care of lots of babies and the babies that have had digestion problems probably wouldn't have if I would have know this. Once again my question becomes WHY DON"T DOCTORS TELL YOU THIS STUFF?! I feel that doctors need to be trained longer in nutrition and then as a society we all might be a little healthier. Instead they just shove medication down everyones throat!

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