Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Journey to Hadley: my after labor drama

We arrived home the next day at 6:00 pm. I had just walked in the house and sat on the couch when I screamed for Matt or my mom to take the baby(they were bringing stuff in from the car) they both came running and I told them I felt something hard coming out of me. When I got to the bathroom a golf ball size sponge fell out of me!! I ended up with doctor Astin(The ass is in his name for a reason) the one doctor that I hated because it was a Sunday and he was the one on call. He was impatient and did an episiotomy and then stitched up a sponge inside me. I was scarred and furious at this point and that next day had Dr. Coleman(my favorite doctor) check to make sure there were no other sponges. I was not that sore until I had to be checked and let me tell you they wait six weeks for a reason. It was horribly painful!! All because of that sponge I ended up with staff infection in my uterus!! I went to see Vickie(my nature path) and once again she was the only one to help me!! I felt I did ok during labor and would have been better with no doctors at all. For this reason and for the overall experience that should not have been like this I plan to have my next baby at home!!!

Look at all that hair
Family picture
first family picture
Coming home from hospital


  1. Oh my goodness! I would feel just like you if that happened to me too. Glad it was nothing serious, and you were able to recover quickly.

  2. Chandra! Hi! Oh my gosh, first of all you looked amazing in your coming home from the hospital pictures! I did NOT look nearly as cute.

    What a scary thing to have that doctor leave a sponge inside of you!! I'm so glad you're ok. Did you sue him? I think I might have been tempted.

    You're a brave lady if you do choose to do an at-home birth with your next baby! Oi, it'd be way too scary for me. If you do, I hope it all goes great!

    I am loving looking at your blog! If you'd like to read mine, send me an email and I'll put you on my list. (my blog is private)

