Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Terrible,Horrible,No Good,Very Bad Day

Over the weekend Cienna wanted to read the book Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad day and this was the kind of day I had.

I woke up with four new zits and knew it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

I invited my in-laws over for dinner and knew dinner needed to be in the oven by 4 so I started cleaning house(the girls make messes faster than I can clean them because it was clean last night)when I smell this awful smell. I start searching trying to find where it is coming from when I discover that my dog had pooped on the floor downstairs on the nice carpet. We usually do not have this problem with him. He is seldom ever sick or potties in the house but just my luck he did today.

As I start cleaning up this diarrhea, I am gagging because the smell is just atrocious and the stain is not coming out!! I have to get out the carpet cleaner to get out the stain out but I soon realize the smell is not going away. I decide to get air freshener when I see two more piles of poop in the bedroom. By this time I am livid!! I grab the dog put his nose in it and swat his butt hard! After cleaning the mess I went to find the dog to give him a bath and long behold I find him on the bed. I start yelling at him and go to pick him up and he turned around to try and bite me. (He has never done this to me before and I just couldn't believe it!)I put him in the bath, start cleaning him up and by this time Hadley is DONE and I mean DONE!I asked Cienna to give her toys but she was screaming so loud.(Did I mention she is teething) Now I felt like the worlds worst mother for not being able to go get her. When I came out of the bedroom Hadley was surrounded by fifty toys(thank you Cienna lol) and had her face in the ground screaming!! I got her calmed down called Matt bawling and told him to tell his parents to come at 6:30 instead of 6.It was a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! I think I will move to Australia!

While I am getting dinner ready I accidently spill Mister's water and when I was cleaning it up Cienna said," you're having a Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad Day Huh Aunt Chandra."I replied,"Yes cause just like Alexander's Mom says some days are like that. Even in Australia.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. What a bad day. Poor Mister did not feel good. :-(
