Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Journey to Hadley: The Angel on Earth

It was June of 2008 we were seriously thinking about adoption and decided we needed to save up some money. My Aunt Terrie told me she new of this Nature Path that had helped her friend with depression and was a midwife also. I really thought I don't have the money right now to do anything else. I was visiting my Grandma and she had heard me talk about this and knew just how badly I wanted a baby and offered to pay for it if I would go. I found out it was only $30.00 to see her plus the vitamins and herbs. I was willing to try anything at this point especially something that wasn't going to cost ten thousand dollars.
On June, 25 I saw Vickie Sorensen(My Angel on Earth). She does muscle testing and can tell you all kinds of things about your body. The first thing she told me was that I had a bad tooth on the bottom right and the crazy thing is I had just been to the dentist and was told that. I found out I have heart murmurs, low blood sugar(which I knew), a seven year old brain injury(this was due to passing out on a hard floor due to low blood sugar and this was how I found out I was Hyperglycemic) I was allergic to cigarette smoke, dairy, soy, artificial sweeteners, and msg. She scores everything on a 1 to 10 scale and my uterus was a 10 and was very healthy. She told me there was no reason why I couldn't carry a baby. This was such a relief! My ovaries scored a 5 the lowest score I got and the reason was that my eggs were not releasing. I told her what the fertility docs had me on and she said that they were not giving me anything that would help that. Great I thought!! I spend all that money for nothing and quite frankly I have never been a big fan of doctors and well this just fueled that fire! I took everything she told me to an it leveled out my hormones and she told me I would be pregnant in three to six months.I thought I will believe it when I see it! In September we conceived Hadley!!
As of now I have sent several people to her with various problems and she just works miracles and is very good at what she does. I am grateful for her every day and tell her that often. I know that thanks to her Matt and I are able to have the Family we have always dreamed of!!!


  1. Chandra- I love this part of the story. Way to go Vickie {who I have affectionately nicknamed the witchdoctor}. :)
