Friday, January 15, 2010

So Frustrated!!!!

Well, today I am very frustrated! Nothing fits Hadley and I mean nothing. We can't find 3T onesies anywhere and I can't get the others to button up. All her pants were tight around her waist so I shopped and shopped to find pants that were looser around her waist. I found lots but now none of them fit around her thighs. They are so tight that if she wanted to bring her knees up to crawl she can't. Pajamas that are 3t are too tight around her thigh. I can hardly get them zipped. The pajamas that are 4t zip fine and are loose enough but are about 6 inches too long so she can't stand up in her saucer or jump in them. I can only find 24 month one piece outfits and they are too tight and not long enough!! Oh, and most dresses are too tight around her chest (I have to break some of them or not button the back to get them on) and tights I have to cut around the waist! I don't know what to dress this girl in anymore!! NOTHING FITS!!! HELP!!! We are going to Boise tomorrow maybe I will have better luck there!


  1. Oh that would hard! I hope you find something that will work for her. Good Luck!

  2. Wow, that sounds frustrating. I just have a hard time finding clothes that fit my 16 month old (12 mo. too short but sometimes too wide or 18 mo. too long) It is amazing how every child is different. His pediatrician is always telling me how tiny he is, but I feed him. So was Hadley exclusively breast-fed until solid foods?

  3. Yes. She is still breast fed and getting first foods right now. She has a bad gag reflex. I can give her a tiny piece of bread and she gags. My sister's little girl is the same way as Sawyer, she eats and eats and is only 27 pounds. I often wonder where she puts all that food. LOl

  4. I have that exact same problem trying to find clothes FOR ME! :)
