Friday, January 29, 2010

our Journey to Hadley: My pregnancy

In the beginning of pregnancy I thought I was going to die. Up until pregnancy I had only thrown up once in my entire life! I never thought I would be the person to throw up several times a day but thats what happened. I was sicker than I have ever been before! I was watching 6 kids under 3 at the time and I remember so many days wondering if I was going to make it. I ended up losing 15 pounds. After trying everything to stop from getting sick the doctors put me on a nausea medicine(I hope not to have to do this next pregnancy. It made me very nervous)After 20 to 25 weeks of being sick I slowly started to feel better and then I started being able to eat and I mean I could eat as much or more than my husband. A day of eating went like this breakfast: 4 pieces of toast and 4 eggs
Lunch: 2 large bowls of mac and tomatoes(my favorite) a bow of salad, and a turkey sandwich (with lots of cucumbers and pickles)
Dinner: 3 baskets of chips and salsa and 2 chicken burritos(easy)
Not to mention the all day snacks of pickles,cucumbers, apples, peaches, and a few m&m's here and there. I could eat!! The eating and feeling Hadley move were my two favorite things about pregnancy and the only two things I miss. Honestly I am scared of being pregnant again for fear I will be very sick.

Here is a good pic of my bellybutton sticking out that has a hernia in it(lucky me)

This was round one and I believe there were three rounds that day
I never got stretch marks just a large belly button!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute belly Chandra! :) Lucky you to not get any stretch marks, that would be so wonderful. I hope I don't get any more than I already had. haha
